Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time flies

I can't believe how quickly time is going by! In two months Nate and I are having a baby. This is unreal to me. AND.... between now and then ALOT is happening so I know time is going to go by even faster!

This weekend (tonight actually) my parents are coming into town as are the Neely's. Yay! It is going to be great to see them plus Nate's birthday is coming up so we are going to do some fun stuff. Nate and I are going to see Harry Potter, Vanessa and I are going to Salt Lake. Then after all of this... We are going to Carson and San Diego, Jonny boy gets back from his mission, and then it is time to have the baby. Yikes!

Guess what I learned the other day? My doctor served in Germany. How awesome is that? We are so meant for each other. 

Last weekend Nate, Vanessa and I went camping. It was super fun. My favorite part was the tin foil dinner. So good. It poured with tons of lightening and thunder but we stayed nice and dry in our little tent. It was great to be cuddled up with a boy and a pup while watching psych and reading Harry Potter. Fun fun.

So that is a basic update of what is happening now. I am going to go find other ways of wasting time while I avoid leaving the house. Actually it is only supposed to be 96 degrees today, so maybe I should take advantage and get my errands done.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Catch up

Here is a quick update of what has been going on with us recently:

Nate took boards and passed. He did very very well.

Vanessa has discovered the fun that comes from blowing bubbles. It has become a wonderful way to entertain her while not having to chase her around the house.

I am doing great, as is the baby. We have bought all of our baby gear and besides being completely clueless about taking care of a baby, we are ready to welcome her into our home.

Though I never thought I would do it again, I will likely be ditching Nate a few more times this summer. Vanessa and I have places to go and people to see, and well, Nate has school. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

New News

Nate and I are expecting a baby girl and we are so excited. Now that it is out in the open I can write in this blog again. You see, writing about how sick and lazy I have been, as interesting as that may sound, I am guessing would not be the most popular choice for a reading topic. Henceforth I have refrained from writing about such things until now.

Let's see, I am almost 5 months pregnant and weigh 91 pounds. I have officially changed from a girls 12 to a 12 plus, since girls plus sized clothes seem to be my only hope of having anything to wear in the future. Nate has been an excellent husband as always, Vanessa seems to understand that my bending over and chasing her under the table days are just about over, and all in all things are going great. We are very excited to welcome this baby girl into our home (I still feel like it is a boy...) and though our budget will need some serious adjusting, we cannot wait to spoil this baby. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fun times ahead!

I have not written in a long time, and that is because I haven't felt like it AT ALL. In fact, I haven't felt like doing much of anything, but that feeling is starting to subside and I am actually starting to enjoy life again. There are quite a bit of things I am looking forward to in the next few weeks, the first being that Nate is about to finish his second year of dental school. Woo hoo! Friday is his last final and then he has a 2 week break.... well, not a break actually. He has to study for boards which are just 4 weeks away. I plan to leave town like a normally do, this time for about 2 weeks. My mom and I have much to do in those two weeks though. Trust me, it will not be a vacation.

Even though Nate is off next week, I have to work ALOT everyday. This is a blessing though because you see, Vanessa won't have to get locked up. Nate will be home to play with her. =) Amazing how things always work out just right.

So, next week will be terrible, BUT the week after is going to be so fun! For several reasons, some of which I will not mention, but guess what? Our anniversary is coming up! Nate and I are going on a Staycation up at Mt. Charleston, and guess what else? Pets are welcome. So Vanessa gets to come. We are very excited to relax and do some hiking. Should be great.

Those events along with a few trips to San Diego, a few visits from family, and a probable trip to Carson City make the next few weeks very exciting. Who cares about graduating? There are many more things that I would rather spend my time on.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Valley of Fire

Nate and I just got back from a fun trip to Valley of Fire. Such a simple place but it is close by and we don't have much time to leave town, so it worked out great. We brought Vanessa so it was her first camping trip and she did so good! She's so cute! Snuggled in my sleeping bag, was polite to other campers, that fearless, little mountaineer. I love going camping with Nate because he takes such good care of me and is always so prepared. I always know I will be comfortable and when I want to come home we can. 

Friday night we went on two hikes and then made cheeseburgers, listened to the BYU basketball game a bit, and then had smores. We watched Secretariat. The weather was great. Just a really nice day overall.

This morning we did a few more little hikes and then came home. We were home and clean by noon and it was just such a nice trip. We slept all afternoon and little puppy is still exhausted. Thank goodness for spring break. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is it May yet?

The grocery shopping is finally done,
A task to me that is not fun.
The oil's changed, my lesson's planned,
This Saturday was not that grand.

These tasks mundane, and far from great
Lead me to appreciate
The food I have and car that drives,
The chance to bless some peoples' lives.

But there is one thing on my mind,
It bothers me, that I'm not kind.
With time for everyone but me,
Nate has so much charity.

So starving for attention I,
Selfishly let time waste by.
Until the day of rest arrives,
Where we do not have separate lives.

Although I drag my feet and whine,
I am really doing fine.
Just overwhelmed with what's ahead,
I think, for me, it's time for bed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Trophy Husband

Nate is going to get a huge trophy when he gets to heaven. He puts up with a lot. But this is not just a one sided tolerance, you see there are a few things I endure as well. So lately, I have been grumpy, and lazy and tired. I have not wanted to make dinner (though the last two nights I did accomplish such a feat), I complain, and whine, and lay around while Nate takes Vanessa one walks and cheerfully goes about his ways.

But today. Oh my goodness. This cheerful, cute, nice, sincere adorable husband that I have came in while I was sleeping on the couch. He goes and makes himself a lunch, and then sits down and starts stirring strawberry syrup into his milk. Oh my gosh.... he was so loud! Just clinking the spoon against the sides of the glass over and over again.... FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES! I was so angry. Then, he leaves his dishes in the sink, and says it was because he didn't want to wake me up. RIGHT....

I tell Nate every day that I am going to go to the store and buy some food. I never do. I always intend to though. I am sincere in my intent though my statements usually end up being lies. He lets me whine to him and is always so happy and nice. He lets be be lazy and never judges me. He is such a good husband. I have no idea why he likes me. Our dating history should have driven him away, but he stuck around. Let's see if he can handle the next few months. Yikes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I want to vent right now. But I can't really, because I don't want to complain. But gosh!!! I am so not happy right now! Yes I know I have a wonderful life, a great husband and puppy, a great job ect... but sheesh! I am so depressed right now! There are a few reasons for this, but mostly I feel very deeply sad because my mom left today. I have been super sick lately so my mom helped me drive back from CA. And she basically did everything for me the last 3 days and I was so in control and happy and calm. And now! She is gone and I feel like my world is falling apart. A little dramatic I know, but that is how I feel.

I want to be done with school. Yes done! I am ready to move on, but things are out of my control, and just slowly creeping along. I am tired of being by myself all day everyday and never getting to sleep with or even talk to my husband. I am tired of always cleaning and doing laundry and doing everything I am suppose to do. It is neverending, and I know that is just life, but I am exhausted.  I am mustering up all of my energy right now just to go and return a redbox movie that my mom and I rented last night. Help!! =(

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Adventures of Work / Life

For my job, we do home assessments. We do this so that we can identify safety issues and health hazards in the home so that we can give people what they need in order to fix those problems. And let me tell you, you never know what you are going to get in these homes. We work on a referral basis and get the worst homes in Vegas. Literally.

A dead bird by the water heater, locked refrigerators in every room, pot gardens growing in the laundry room, a bottle with pee in it, dog poop on the carpet, clutter beyond belief, and roaches the size of mice are just a few things I have come across the past few days. Very very gross, and very sad. I am amazed and very saddened by the way people live here. Most of these people have substance abuse problems and it is just very sad to think about the negative impact of drugs and alcohol on peoples' lives. They have been robbed of so much happiness and good in their lives because of stupid mistakes and habits.

So I have been thinking about my life in comparison to the lives of others. This is mostly because of Facebook, not because of work, but I see profiles of old friends and people from high school who are doing NOTHING with their lives. I am just an average person with no strong abilities or talents yet I seem to have accomplished some cool stuff. I mean I graduated from college, did a study abroad, traveled the world, went on a mission, got married, am about to get my Masters and I'm 24. That should be pretty normal, right? My mission was a two year break, and I am still "ahead" of most people that I know. I am so grateful for my life.

To many people, I am sure I seem like a total loser. I mean, I've never drank alcohol, or smoked a cigarette, or gone to any crazy parties or anything. When people ask me what I want to do with my degree when I am done with school, once in a while a make up something, but usually I say "nothing". I want to be a stay at home mom someday. I am glad my husband is supportive of that and will provide for our family so that I can play with my kids all the time and read to them and teach them. Family is the most important thing right? Why would I want anything else?  Perhaps my perspective is one that makes me seem sheltered or naive, but I don't feel that way at all. I feel the exact opposite in fact.

I guess what I am getting at is I am just so thankful for my life and everything I have and I know it all comes from just living the principles of the gospel. For those outside the church, "living the gospel" basically means just living in a way that would make God happy, or trying to at least. That is where true happiness is found. Happiness that lasts longer than an hour or a night. Happiness that is almost permanent. I would not switch lives with anyone. So thankful for my life.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I feel as though I'm getting thinner,
As I'm waiting for this dinner,
My puppy lays on Nate's lap,
He's trying hard not to nap.

It's only Tuesday, my oh my,
It is possible that I might die.
11 home inspections just this week,
Time for other stuff I seek.

Available at any time,
Was one mistake that was mine,
For now my schedule's booked all day,
Monday clear through Friday.

So when I am suppose write,
my thesis, time is getting tight.
The changes that I need to make,
Hang over me, keep me awake.

So for the day I do await,
When I will final graduate,
And I can spend my time on the,
Things that matter more to me.

But there is still a ray of hope,
Some thoughts always help me to cope.
In San Diego I'll soon be,
With lots and lots of company.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What a day

Black and white, night and day,
What a day it was today.
My presentation went real well,
At least from what I could tell.

But there was one who had to be
Difficult and hard on me.
A member of my committee,
A friend? More like an enemy.

But there was nothing I could do,
So I listened through and through,
Do this and that, I wrote them down,
Her criticism brought a frown.

Frustrated beyond belief,
I could not wait til I could leave.
Comments that she could have said
Weeks ago, raced through my head.

I passed of course, the page was signed,
But I was not feeling kind.
To my car I quickly went,
Where I could pray and I could vent.

I came home to my pup,
Right away my mood was up.
Nate came home and said to me,
"Let's go change and go hiking".

And so we got all changed and ate,
And headed to our hiking date.
From that time on the day was great,
So grateful for my pup and Nate.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How in the world?

I went out to lunch with a friend about a year ago and as we were talking about wedding plans she said to me: "I am so happy for you, but I wouldn't go back. Marriage just keeps getting better and better". 

This particular friend has 6 kids and a great husband and is just the most incredible person ever. And, already I am starting to see her point. I am amazed more and more by the blessings the Lord has given me. I can't believe it. Things are just getting better and better. 

So have you ever had a relationship with someone you loved sooooo much, but they had no idea? That is the case for me and a coworker. This particular coworker has done SO much for me. You have no idea. And she has no clue! Doesn't even think about it. To her, I am an just associate or colleague, a friend I guess, but to me she is an example, a role model and a blessing. She has impacted my life so much.

Can't tell you how grateful I am for the special people in my life. Some of the most instrumental and influential people in my life "have no idea" their impact on me. How in the world am I so lucky?

Monday, January 17, 2011


There is a hobby I began, many months ago,
Searching craigslist for items wanted, prices usually low.
We found our kitchen table and our bedroom set,
Both great finds for Nate and I who want to limit debt.

We sold my airconditioner, and got more than what we paid,
My dresser sold right in time, more money for us made.
I took a break for a while, since we've been moved in,
But recently I've started up this browsing discipline.

I have found so much stuff,
Resisting purchases can be tough,
With lots of stuff and little space,
I need to organize this place.

So cleaning out I will do,
The closets and the storage too.
The more I sell, the less I stash,
More space I'll have, as well as cash.

Which leads me to my real motive,
New items that I need to live.
It may look as if I am here,
Reading or working it does appear.

But I am in another place.
You may know, by my face.
I'm thinking, but I do not know.
That I could buy a piano.

Some bare essentials will come first,
And will quench my craigslist thirst.
So if you haven't checked it out,
You'll get hooked, I have no doubt.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


At the end of 2010, I was a little sad because I couldn't think of anything exciting happening in 2011. No family plans to get together, no special announcements from anyone, and I was really sad to leave family and be done with Christmas and everything. However, this year is filling up quite quickly with some fun and exciting events. Can't wait! I am so grateful for my life!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rhyme Time

This blog was first created, as a procrastinating tool, 
And this purpose it has met and provides me with a duel.
Do I practice my prospectus, with slides and slides of blah
or pass my time with this rhyme, where welcome is some flaw.

My dog sits and listens to my 45 minute speech,
By 15 minutes in, I'm bored with no desire to teach.
Just one more hour left, before my boy comes through the door,
Which reminds me of another task, I need to go to the store.

Hair gel, cream cheese and a 9 volt battery, 
Some items for my second half, obviously not for me.
Its funny how a day can go,
An hour late for work, I know.

The puppy sits and eats the blinds despite her peanut butter chew,
And still I'm plagued by this prospectus that is almost due.
My fabulous living room couch is great, with sunshine and Thai food.
Can't wait til I am over this procrastination mood! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Vegas Shmegas

We have decided there is nothing to do in Vegas. Now before you disagree, let me clarify. Nate and I have been trying to think of fun date ideas. It seems that we have done all of the creative or inexpensive things plenty of times and all the "clever" ideas I read about online are not all that clever.

Vegas has plenty to do if you don't LIVE here, especially if you are on vacation. So don't let this post discourage you from coming to visit us! The thing is, Nate and I have seen almost every show, the fancy or cool restaurants are way too pricey unless you are actually on vacation, and gambling in smokey old casinos -- in my mind -- is not how I want to spend our date night.

Tonight we are going to Souplantation and then making cookies and watching Psych. Not the most exciting or creative activities, but I can't wait nonetheless. Time to get all prettied up.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I am sitting on my couch right now with a cute pup, a smoothie, an almond chocolate apple, a Harry Potter book and this computer of course, which to put things back into perspective, has my powerpoint for my prospectus presentation. That has been my project for the day, and I am about halfway done. I plan on finishing it tomorrow and then having Nate fix it up a bit. My powerpoints look like a 4th grader made them. Maybe even worse, but Nate is a powerpoint pro -- as you know if you have seen the board games he has created....

Today was a great day. Took a nap with the boy and the puppy. We went on a run. Started my new years resolution to read Harry Potter. I got the porch clean, Hannah's nails cut (that is a feat, let me tell you) and now my boy tells me he is done studying for the night. He acts like he has all the time in the world for me, but it will cost him. I warned him. I told him how fast time flies and that boards are practically next week but he doesn't listen.

Nate's friend complained to him today saying "I don't know where to start to get everything done" and Nate said, "Hire Sabrina as your manager". Nate explained to me that if I was his friend's "manager" I would spend more time on his friend and less time nagging him. Rude! I never boss Nate around. I try every once in a while, but it doesn't work. Nate is a nice one, but tends to disobey me. More times than not I find Nate watching ESPN or playing baseball on his itouch.

Speaking of games, I am 2 wins away from winning the money in our dating bank. Unfortunately Nate is only one win away. We keep track of how many games we win with each other and first 1 to 50 gets the pot of money, which can range from 7 to 200 dollars. I have no clue how much is in there right now. Last time I won, I got like $185!! I chose to go to Beauty and the Beast down in San Diego which was a success. Wish me luck on winning any games we play tonight.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So nice.

I thought I was livin' the life before. Having class a few times a week and working from home was just great, but now, I am done with all my classes! And it is so nice! Can't tell you how wonderful it feels. When it comes to school, I like to stay ahead of the game. Each semester, at the very beginning, I look at syllabi from each class and I do everything I can right away, just so that I can keep my head above water the rest of the semester. Now, I don't have to even worry about that!!!! It is so nice having NO assignments. No projects. Nothing. I love it.

My life has been way too rushed the last 6 years or so and finally it is just pleasant and enjoyable and calm. Blissful, really. Ahhhhh..... so nice.

So now I can focus on work. Stuff I care about. Achievement days, cooking, cleaning, playing with my dog, watching a movie, and talking on the phone are no longer activities that threaten my time or stress level. I LOVE this. I feel so free!

Having said that, I am going to go peacefully make my bed with no rush, take Vanessa to the dog park without speeding through the school zone, and just enjoy the rest of my day until I can calmly make dinner for my man and go to the basketball game tonight. SO NICE!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Tomorrow I am going to a basketball with Nate. I have been to one other basketball game in my life, and it was quite fun. Nate has wanted to go to one for a while, but we always seem to miss the games that are actually worthwhile.

So tomorrow UNLV plays BYU. And, as I was getting my free ticket today, I thought about how I am going to wear my BYU shirt and cheer and be in the presence of other cougars, and then I started thinking about how much UNLV has done for me and I was somewhat torn on where my loyalty lies.

BYU is where I met Nate, but if it wasn't for UNLV I wouldn't have married Nate. BYU is where I got out of college debt free, but UNLV is my employer now and pays tuition and benefits. BYU was much harder, but I have appreciated UNLV's ease (minus that thesis project...). UNLV is preparing my husband for his future career, and let's be real, that is super important, but BYU prepared Nate so that he has been successful.

I do have my opinion of which school is the better school, but the question of where my loyalty lies is still unresolved. Any way there can be a tie in basketball? I think I will wear a UNLV shirt with a BYU sweatshirt.... Okay Nate is finally home. Time to eat.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I couldn't really organize my thoughts so I decided to write a poem. A quick one but here it goes:

The last two weeks, were super fun.
I already miss our family a ton.
We hung out with my mom, brother and dad,
Vanessa was naughty, but not that bad.

The start of the break was less than ideal,
We said goodbye to Grandpa Theron as he passed through the veil.
His family was there, right by his side,
His presence with Grandma will always abide.

After the zoo, aquarium, and trips to the mall,
Christmas time came, presents and all.
A GPS system and jewelry from Nate,
Treats for the puppy and gift cards for dates.

We drove down to Carson, a city that's lame,
But had a blast with Nate's family and tried out his game.
Delicious meals and games on the Wii,
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by 2-year old Hallie.

With memories made and miles traveled, 
This Christmas break has sadly unraveled. 
We are home safe in Vegas tonight,
The groceries are bought and real life is in sight.

Christmas break has come to an end,
And sympathy to Nate, I do send.
He has school now from 8-5,
I hope by May he is alive.

With long school days and boards coming up,
There will be little time for the girl and the pup.
But after that's over, we will have time to play,
With minimal tests and clinic every day.

So to that time, I look forward to glee,
When we will go to San Fransisco or Yosemite.
But time will be limited, even then I know,
So back to our family we will probably go.

We are stuck in Vegas, and I don't mean to fus.
I am simply saying you should could come visit us.
The city is great, we have a dog who's fun,
Let us know when your coming, and we'll consider it done!