Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I feel as though I'm getting thinner,
As I'm waiting for this dinner,
My puppy lays on Nate's lap,
He's trying hard not to nap.

It's only Tuesday, my oh my,
It is possible that I might die.
11 home inspections just this week,
Time for other stuff I seek.

Available at any time,
Was one mistake that was mine,
For now my schedule's booked all day,
Monday clear through Friday.

So when I am suppose write,
my thesis, time is getting tight.
The changes that I need to make,
Hang over me, keep me awake.

So for the day I do await,
When I will final graduate,
And I can spend my time on the,
Things that matter more to me.

But there is still a ray of hope,
Some thoughts always help me to cope.
In San Diego I'll soon be,
With lots and lots of company.

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