Friday, December 17, 2010

Dates and Dresses

Right now I am in Utah with my parents. When I got engaged a year ago, my mom cried like a baby every time she talked about it. She thought she wouldn't see me anymore, but let me tell you, that has not been the case. I am with my parents all the time. Always it seems.

So the thing is, Nate comes up tonight. His finals are over in just a few hours (thank goodness, poor boy) and then he is driving up here. I am assuming he won't get here until late, but I can't tell you how excited I am for him to get here! He acts like he has all the time in the world for me, which of course I appreciate it, but I know it's not really true, so during finals I tend to just go out of town. Just to give him some space, you know what I mean?

So my tasks today are to: (1) keep up with work stuff, (2) go to lunch with my mom's friend (she is my friend too actually), (3) run some christmas related errands and then (4) I am going to plan the best vacation ever for Nate. He deserves it so much! There isn't much to do in Utah with all the snow, but I am determined to plan some really fun dates for this week. Let's just say, the two awesome dresses I bought yesterday will have their debuts asap.

Oh and I should probably take Vanessa on an outing today so that she stops running around with Cowboy Todd's ball like a maniac. That is a sacrafice for me considering how much I hate the snow, but as you know, Vanessa is worth it.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vanessa and Me

Vanessa and I were made for each other. I love this dog. She follows me everywhere and always has to be right exactly next to me, or on me, all the time. She is so funny! She chases the vacuum, and drinks the sugar water from the Christmas tree, and chases "mice" in our bed. She walks around and tries to hide her bone in the funniest places. She whips her tail around like a little valley girl and hides every time we pull out the fleece jacket that my mom made her. She sneaks in our bed at night. She knows all the tricks in the book. She's just a super sweet and fun dog and I am so glad that we got such a good puppy. Now you might be thinking "wow I wonder if she is going to gush this much about her children" and the answer to that is probably not. Our kids will likely be pretty average, but Vanessa is no average dog.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


When I started college back in 2004 I made a 5 year plan. Within those five years I accomplished a lot. I got two degrees, traveled the world a bit, did a study abroad, served a mission, you know.... good times. Then, when I got home from my mission, I made another 5 year plan (of sorts). But this time I have just been filling it in as a go. So I guess it is not really a plan but a list of things I have done the last year or so. Not really the same thing, but I've always had direction. Until NOW! I have no idea what to do!

So my boss just came over here while I was typing this out. Solved all my problems. At least for now... Guess I can fill in a few more months on my life plan. Love him by the way. Awesome guy.