Monday, November 29, 2010

Tis the Season

The holidays are officially here! I am loving this time of year and trying to soak up every moment. Thanksgiving break was great. I wasted tons of time working on a puzzle, we baked our first Turkey and I participated in black Friday with Nate. I love shopping but my love for shopping has seriously decreased. You see, it isn't that fun to go shopping when you have no money. Or let's just say, we have money, but knowing that my husband's tuition costs more than a house, just kinda takes the fun out of spending money. Plus, ugly is in. I hate it! All the clothes out right now are so ugly. I suppose I should consider it a blessing in disguise... I can't even find clothes I WANT to buy.

So black Friday this year wasn't as fun as last year. Nate was super hardcore about it. I was so surprised. He wrote down all the prices, at all the stores, and had a plan. I was not so enthused. I eventually agreed to go conquer Kmart with him at 4:30am but quickly returned to my bed while he went shopping the rest of the morning. How pathetic is that? Well, it's the truth. Vanessa and I slept in while Nate conquered the town. Still don't know what he bought but at least I know he is going to be a good father.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Thanksgiving is coming up and I have so much to be grateful for. I have been so blessed my whole life and I have done NOTHING to deserve what I have! It is amazing and I am humbled every day when I think of all the ways the Lord has blessed me. Here are a few things I am thankful for:

First and foremost I am thankful for my membership in the church, my sealing to Nate and my awesome family. When I say "family" it means my growing up family, my family with Nate, and Nate's family... How I got the most awesome people in the world as a part of MY family, I will never know, but every single person is AMAZING. I am grateful to have grown up in San Diego and for every pet I've ever had (probably like 50 of them) and especially for Vanessa Dog and Hannah Hedgehog.

I am thankful to live in America. I am thankful for my car. I am thankful for my home and the safe and spiritual place it is for me. I am thankful for nice weather and conveniences such as heaters, credit cards and airplanes. I am thankful for food and water. I am thankful for my job and education. I am thankful for the prophet and missionaries, and that I was able to serve a mission. I am thankful for all of the examples I have in my life. I am thankful for Disneyland. I am thankful for medicine, nature and great music. I am thankful for my body (esp. my ankle) and my health. I am thankful for the pioneers. I am thankful for animals and stars. I am thankful for the scriptures and sunshine. I am thankful for temples and savings ordinances. I am thankful for my niece and nephews. I could type pages more, especially if I got into the specifics of what I love about Nate, but I am so thankful for everything I have!

The Lord has blessed Nate and I so much. In EVERYTHING, big and small. I am definitely looking forward to Thanksgiving with great anticipation, and you know what that means... Christmas is around the corner. =) Still need to find that gift for the gift exchange!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shopping Sickness

Last weekend I went to San Diego to help my mom put up Christmas stuff. My mom is a huge Christmas fanatic and has thousands of ornaments, hundreds of wall hangings, and probably around 85 nativities. With the family Christmas party coming up, I thought she could use some help so I went down. Well, actually I would have gone anyways thanks to my wonderfully flexible school/work schedule, but decorating for Christmas was a timely and convenient excuse for a trip.

The first day I was there, we didn't do any decorating. We went shopping ALLL day and I realized that shopping is a true sickness. And my mom has it. My mom stays up past midnight every night and wakes up at like 4 every morning. I go to bed at like 9:30 and get up at like 7:30, but who has more energy? My mom! That woman can shop. I have always known it but sheesh, ALLL day long we shopped.

At like 4 or so I told my mom that I wanted leave. I felt like a little kid just whining to go home. It took a long time, trust me, to get her from one side of the mall back to the other side where the car was. Although my parents are on a "budget" (HA!) Christmas this year will hardly be impacted by the economic status of the Bartholomew home. Although mom bought me new makeup, ornaments, and jewelry "just for fun", I am still left with the unresolved and undaunting objective of buying something for the gift exchange. Any ideas?

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So Nate is a lifesaver, and always has been. I can't tell you how many times he has "saved my life". I am pretty sure the Lord just placed obstacles in my life just so that Nate and I would end up together. These "obstacles" still come up and remind me of how lucky I am to have a guy who is willing to drop anything at anytime just to help me with the smallest, yet very important, things.

So tonight.... I have been working on this form for work all week. This form requires statistics about Nevada and health information that we need for a grant. I finally get all the fields filled in, send it in, and my boss says it is blank. So, my boss says "Oh just print it out and scan it to me". So I try that.

It is Sunday today. I NEVER do any work or homework on Sunday. So, no big deal, printing on Sunday, who cares right? Suddenly, my print cartridge is gone. Dead empty. So, I go get Nate. He figures out how how to view the data on the "blank" form and then my boss prints it out. Thank heavens. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but this is a million dollar grant and I'm already the weak link on the team as it is! Whew!

A few other instances of "lifesaving" come to mind... One time I had surgery on my ankle and had to be in a wheel chair and crutches for like 4 months. Nate did everything for me. When I got home from my mission, I didn't have a parking pass at BYU, yet I had to go school and buy books and everything... guess who took care of me then?  Or this random time my laptop stopped working. It was fixed thanks to Nate. He just takes whatever little things are wrong and makes them right. He figured out a way for me to graduate from BYU early, get into grad school instantly and THEN when I decided to move to Vegas at the same time as him, he moved me all in and got me all set up at school, despite the fact that I was "dating" someone else at the time. Gosh, what a lifesaver!

The thing is, Nate is a life saver in the literal sense of the word. I almost went a different direction in my life which would have been an ETERNAL mistake. His patience, unconditional love, and unceasing ability to make me happy has saved my life, and I am so so so grateful.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yay for Answered Prayers!

So, I am normally a pretty outgoing person. On my mission, as most missions go, I had to be. Considering most people thought  I was a 12-year-old American hobbit, I got used to awkward situations rather quickly. It was common for people to think I was a child, and it still is. I have gotten that my whole life. This one time I was in Alaska, and this man - who was not the smartest guy if I might add - was talking to my parents about their son. It was kinda strange because my brother wasn't even there, and it finally turned out he was referring to me! He thought I was a twelve year old boy! In his defense I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt since it was about 400 degrees below freezing, and I had not applied my trusty clinque makeup regime that day, but COME ON! 12?

In most situations I am totally fine, but lately, or rather the last 10 months, I have been so awkward at WORK! I complain about this to Nate all the time and finally realized that he has the same problem! Maybe it is because of him! Is that okay to blame him for my socially awkward tendencies at work? Let me just clarify that this problem has nothing to do with people at work. It is all because of me, or Nate I should say!

So Nate said our family prayer last night and as you may have noticed in the past, the Lord is not slow to remember Nate's prayers. He prayed for me to have a good meeting today, and prayed for all these little things that I told him about (What a great listener he is...) and needless to say, work was great today!

After 10 months of working with these wonderful and accomplished people, I finally feel comfortable, I think mostly because I have just accepted the fact that I'm kinda the weird one. Eh, oh well. Time for class!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our Story.... Just to catch ya up to date.

We, Sabrina and Nate La Monica, got married in April of 2010 after a long period of dramatic dating. For those of you who actually know us, the story need not be repeated because you likely heard more about this story than you wanted to when the drama was actually occurring. If this is you, feel free to skip ahead.

Sabrina had a missionary out, but then met Nate. They went on a date. You know... how many stories go. The date was perfect and for the most part things were great, but only short-term you see. Sabrina went on a mission (which was the plan the whole time, just so you know) and figured everything would just sort itself out.

Well, when both boys waited, the drama began. And, as fun as it was to have two boyfriends at the same time, it was pretty exhausting and not-at-all healthy. So after 6 months, and much prayer, accompanied by many wrong decisions, it finally became clear that Nate was the one who was the best choice.

That decision was made in October of 2009 and has been the best decision of my life ever since. Everyday has been full of happiness and peace and laughter. So now, after the purchase of a 2 karat diamond, a wonderful wedding, and a little puppy we, Nate and Sabrina La Monica, are living the life.

So I blog...

Let's be honest. How many people actually read blogs? I suppose the answer to that question is "a lot" but I am not one of those people. Occasionally I take a look at my cousins' blog but that is because they are so cute and clever with their postings and it is actually quite entertaining to read about their comments and insights.  So it begins... Nate and I now have a blog. I am trying this out. I am guessing this will be another mechanism for procrastination and another medium by which I can make time go by faster when Nate is studying and I am bored. With those justifications in mind, let the blogging begin!